1883 is a TV series that tells the story of the Dutton family’s journey to the Wild West, and how the Yellowstone ranch was born. The miniseries takes the viewer to the untamed Wild West, where there were many ways to get out of your life.
The Duttons’ journey to Montana begins on two routes. While Father Dutton, aka James Dutton, takes the family’s wagon, the women and children of the family come by train. From now on, the journey will continue mainly with the European settlers, the settlers who do not speak English and do not carry a weapon – so the starting points do not bode well.
Real-life country-pop star couple Tim McGraw (Friday Night Lights) and Faith Hill (Stepford women) play James and Margaret Dutton. Sam Elliott (Big Lebowski) plays tough cowboy Shea Brennan, a former Army captain and sheriff of these areas. Other actors in the series include Isabel May (Alexa & Katie), LaMonica Garrett (Primal) as Shea Brennan’s combat partner and Dawn Olivieri (Heroes).
The star guest in the series stars Billy Bob Thornton (Sling Blade), and Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump) makes a cameoole in a Civil War flashback scene.
If you’re a fan of westerns, the 1883 series is made for you. Its landscapes and way of shooting remind me of the Hell on Wheels series that we wrote about earlier – this series about railroad construction is similarly on HBO’s charts.
We recommend the beginning of the Dutton family story to watch, and we’ll be back with a new story as long as we get all 11 episodes watched.
The season of the series includes 11 episodes, and there’s no more to come, instead there’s still a series called 1932 that depicts Yellowstone’s time after the recession years.